Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why China?

In a little over a month Tay and I will be flying to China. The city of Tianjin specifically. We have been preparing for this for the last year or so, really I think I've been preparing to go back ever since I was in China the first time back in 2011. So over this last year whenever people find out what we are doing they almost always ask us, "Why China?" I've got a few reasons.

1. China is a big place with 1.4 billion people, and with thousands of years of history there is so much to do, see, and learn.

2.China is cheap. The school we are working for gives us a place to live, with no bills and no payments to make we can live like kings and really have a great time on our 5,000 RMB a month salary. Plus the 6:1 exchange rate means our American money goes a long way. The last time I was in China I stayed at a hotel in Shanghai for $9.00 and the average box of street food noodles or rice will cost you around 60¢.

3. Travel is easy. China has a great train system, great public transportation, and taxis are everywhere and affordable. No need for a car ( and more importantly no car payment). Seeing something new every day is practically guaranteed.

4. Learning Chinese is almost impossible outside of China ( or Taiwan). It's a major goal of mine to be fluent in Mandarin and being In China is the best and easiest way to make sure I accomplish it.

5. Real Chinese food. Trust me on this one, cheap, plentiful, and delicious. Plus who knows, snake, turtle, or scorpions might be your new favorite food.

6. A change of scenery. Right now we are in Utah, I can't really think of another place that's as dull or boring, I also can't think of a place more different from Utah than China.

7. There are expats form all over the world in China, it's a good place to meet people from the rest of the world, and to escape the bubble of the US for a while.

8. Everything is made in China. I am very interested in the business side of importing and exporting product from China. With Tianjin being China's third largest port it is the perfect place to learn more about, and get connected to that business. Plus a year abroad will look pretty good on a resume.

9. its the perfect place to get closer as a couple. Without all the stress of working full time and trying to make ends meet we can really focus on each other. Especially since where ever we go we are sure to be surrounded by people who don't speak our language, giving us quality alone time practically everywhere.

10.Why not? What does somewhere else have that China doesn't? It's a huge country with a rising economy and plenty of new experiences. Without the expense of Europe, and without the danger of South America or Africa. China is a great choice to travel to, move to, or spend a year abroad at.

Questions or comments,

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